The Hornady TAP Magnum 00 Buck shot a pattern less than 3 in diameter. Read on for his full experiences with the optic. I did some shooting with Royal #4 buckshot. Enjoy banner ad-free browsing with Shotgun Forum Plus. Buckshot patterns fall apart quickly. One thing I should mention thats an important part of buckshot pattern is choke selection. try { DISCLAIMER: The following show graphic images of real life field results of a deer kill that some may find offensive. The patterns were a single hole out to 20 feet. The pellets are contained with a traditional-type wad and buffered to reduce deformation during firing. Maximum effective range is defined here as: Having a hit probability greater than chance (greater than 50% of pellets make scoreable hits on target). After trying several different manufacturers rounds, I achieved the best results with Federal Premium 12-gauge 2 Magnum 00 Buck. It is not intended for use with loads featuring the FliteControl and Versatite wads. Lets begin this report with a little caveat take the results with a grain of salt. But here in the south it is a tradition that has been going on since the early 1900s and possibly earlier. The goal was to determine which load may have the tightest average pattern. If I had to pick just one, it would be a toss up between T and F buck. } return; If you do your homework, you will find the perfect choke/buckshot combination, capable of killing deer at 50 yards or beyond. var options = { errorClass: 'mce_inline_error', errorElement: 'div', onkeyup: function(){}, onfocusout:function(){}, onblur:function(){} }; 3. By Most of those myths center on the idea that the buckshot pattern is a function of barrel length and that buckshot patterns all expand at the same rate as they fly away from the weapon. } As can be expected, No. It would no doubt perform even better with high quality buffered loads. Notice how the pellets are stacked to allow for the maximum number of pellets per shell. Past 50 is where I go, hmmmm, I dont know about this.. All are one ounce loads. } Previous plan: lay low, hang out, play it safe. $('#mce_tmp_error_msg').remove(); The Bohemian Hunting Club 8.58K subscribers Subscribe 41K views 7 years ago Showing the difference in patterns between 00 and #4 shots at 45/ 50 yards. $(input_id).focus(); Thanks for taking the time to document this. CHRIS: It will if it hits you in the right place, Id say. bday = true; Much better than aiming at the head. This gun will put 12 single "0" pellets inside. Plated buckshot is generally found in pricier, premium loads. Just as with every other type of weapon or ammunition, buckshot is as safe as the person using it. Editors note: Jim Draper who lives in Covington, Georgia, is a staff writer for Whitetail Times. this.value = ''; This slows the wad ever so slightly, so that it doesnt negatively affect the pattern. if (parts[1]==undefined){ box at } Results from testing the Hornady American Whitetail rifled slugs through the Benelli M4 at 50 yards. 182 10K views 2 years ago #12gauge #shotgun #remington870 #shotgun #12gauge #remington870 In this video I shoot 2 3/4" 00 Buckshot at 25, 50, and even 100 yards. Buckshot size and speed doesnt matter as much as buckshot quality. Leon is a 10 year Marine vet, husband, father, and passionate bow hunter that loves chunking large bricks of lead at game and targets. Moreover, to ensure that the payloads were delivered to the point of aim, I used a Benelli Super Black Eagle II topped with a Leupold LCO red-dot sight. Your email address will not be published. box at B27s measure 14" from the 7 to the 7. My best piece of advice for people wanting to try buckshot in the field would be to practice with your gun and ammunition and become familiar with its effectiveness. Wildly different patterning from four different 00 Buck loads. With such a really short barrel, you would expect a huge pattern, right? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Follow Lucky Gunner Lounge from your Inbox! Then at 50, the #00 was penetrating about where the #1 was at 25. Wrong. At SHOT Show, George and Scott Trulock of Trulock Chokes showed me their new Boar Blaster buckshot choke tube. For an all-around buckshot load, this one would be difficult to top. }); JOHN: So, still potentially lethal absolutely. He also said these missing pellets drive LE range officers nuts when they have to account for every projectile fired in training. At 35 yards, the same combination kept five buckshot within 7 inches. The heavily buffered pellets are propelled by a two-piece wad with cuts approximately half the length of the shot cupa reason as to why it patterned so tightly. In general a slug will pattern five shots into four to six inches at a long 50 yards, plenty for emergency use. The longer the barrel, the more likely that the pellets hit the inside of the barrel or each other while traveling down the barrel of the gun. The recoil was nothing to joke about, but Im pretty big ol feller. $('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form').ajaxForm(options); Concerning the aforementioned Boar Blaster choke tube, its optimized for use with 00 and 000 buckshot. Your email address will not be published. this.value = ''; } Range of effectively taking deer was usually limited to 30 yards or less. CHRIS: Right, so were looking for 12-18 of penetration in ballistic gelatin. CHRIS: Hey guys, I am Chris from, here with John Johnston from Citizens Defense Research. try { Jim has enjoyed a behind-the-scenes, hands-on career in the hunting industry for over 10 years. Any further than that was a crap-shoot. The shotgun must be aimed as carefully as a rifle at close range. I think thats pretty safe to say. He enjoys hunting just about anything the law allows but tries hard to take the experiences to the next level. In fact, I was so confident with this load that I opted to test it at 35 yards, too. Sometimes shotguns fire high or low. And either [load is still meeting] the FBI standards. Incidentally, as often happens with buckshot, one of the nine pellets seemed to miss the big piece of cardboard I was shooting at entirely. By Woody Published on October 11, 2013 in Ammunition Brass Fetcher Ballistic Testing recently conducted an eye-opening ballistic gelatin test of buckshot at 50 yards distance. The buffered, extra-hard buckshot is contained within a two-piece wad with full-length cuts made to the shotcup. Buckshot is generally used for two purposes: Self-defense and hunting medium to large game. Thats our control, thats what we do with our handgun ammo. Another factor of patterning size is the manufacturer of the ammunition. 2023 Active Response Training - Made with TheBlackBellCoPrivacy Policy. So if anyone tells you buckshot isnt very effective for killing deer past 30 yards, sendem my way. First, forget the small shot. Unbuffered buckshot will create the largest pattern. Right. Double Ought is .34 caliber and 54 grains. Taurus 856 TORO: An Optics-Ready Carry Revolver, Five Years with the Smith & Wesson M&P 9c, The Beretta Cheetah Series: Fun Size Duty Pistols. Join our community of over 240,000 fans and master the latest molecular gastronomy techniques. }); This is a standard chart based on 2 3/4 12-gauge round. Sometimes buckshot is followed by a lot of controversy because of its intended use. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The thought runs this way if you are using smaller shot such as #4 the pattern is much larger. Winchester Double X High Velocity BuckshotLike the Remington shell above, Winchesters Double X High Velocity buckshot features nine, exceptionally round and hard pellets of copper-plated 00 Buck pushed to 1450 fps. So as a rule of thumb for buckshot (reloaders and non-reloaders), treat buckshot loads no differently than sighting in a rifle with different types of ammunition. So we set up a couple of blocks and shot it at ten feet. i++;, Casting Antimonial Lead Ingots 8mm Reloading Project, Dialing in the Palmetto State Armory Dagger and ADE Trumpet, In Honor Of Memorial Day 2023 M1 Garand 100 Yards, Preserving A Piece of American History: The Iconic M1 Garand Care and Feeding, 450 BUSHMASTER VELOCITY ~ 16 VS 18 BARREL. Like, for me, its still probably my go-to inside of anything where I can reasonably expect a 50 yard shot or in. $('.datefield','#mc_embed_signup').each( At 25 yards, the Hornady shells produced consistently tight patterns without abusive (but still noticeable) recoil. Also, I've heard that they pattern smaller at longer ranges. CHRIS: Kinda like a meteorite John, thats right. Carlsons and others also make buckshot-specific choke tubes. Pattern Results: Average of 10 . The pellets would be less likely to over penetrate at that range, especially plain lead. Moreover, when utilized in dense cover, the odds that one or more projectiles penetrate the flora unaffected is greatly increased over the single rifle bullet or slug. Birdshot in gelatin testing varies from three to six inches penetration, with only a very few pellets making it to six inches. Only through patterning process will you find the best choke for your selected load. // ]]>, What Are The Best Online Pokies With Bonus Machine Games For Fun In Australia. For this, the Trijicon SRO2 came in clutch. fields[2] = {'value':1970};//trick birthdays into having years Draper has been hunting for over 25 years and has been a key contributor and product evaluator for return mce_validator.form(); Authorities such as Denny Hansen, former editor of SWAT magazine, recommend a cohesive pattern to long range. But on the other hand the center of the pattern is pretty dense- say twelve of the twenty seven buck shot balls are pretty tight. setTimeout('mce_preload_check();', 250); First, it was the only one utilizing a non-traditional-type wad. At 35 yards, however, the eye opener was produced when using the Trulock 0.700-inch choke; four of the pellets hit within 3 inches of the point of aimspectacular! Here in my state of Texas, buckshot is extremely popular for feral hog hunting, but not so much when it comes to deer hunting. Some states no longer allow the use of buckshot for one reason or another. 2. I went with the popular Remington 870 combo, which came with the slug barrel and bird barrel. Details in the video below or keep scrolling for the full transcript. However, I always wanted to try new stuff, so one day while hunting with some friends I decided to try buckshot. Number four buck weights but 21 grains or less on average at .24 caliber. In case you are not familiar with buckshot, the dictionary defines it as a large size of lead shot used in shotgun shells for hunting game. But it is much more complicated than that. i = parseInt(parts[0]); } beforeSubmit: function(){ CHRIS: Yeah, it was around nine inches at 50 [yards]. Federal TruBall 1344 fps 5 in. The . When you look at thmultiple hits inside the 9 and ten rings of even the 20 yard Rem 00 buck targets, you get an idea, mathmetically any way, of why shotguns beat handguns at the same ranges. The content presented here is intended to inform, to educate, and even to entertain. Back when most of us started hunting, the choices in buckshot were limited, and for a lack of a better term, primitive. Ask for advice on chokes for buckshot and youll get every answer from IC to Turkey Full. One thing that seems to be consistent with many of the new buckshot loads is a specially designed wad. Way beyond a home defense gun the Deerslayer III is an awesome hunting shotgun! Check out the video above. As far as a fast-clean kill argument goes, if you are not trying to push the limits of your equipment or abilities then buckshot is an effective round for harvesting deer. Price: $8.49 per 5-rnd. I was thoroughly impressed on how well they performed at 50 yards with both reloads and factory loads. Since it employed the Versatite wad, I restricted testing to the extended, Trulock 0.700-inch and 0.710-inch aftermarket chokes, as well as the factory, flush-fitting Benelli 0.703-inch tube. In general, the cheaper the round, the larger and more inconsistent the pattern. I shoot slugs and buckshot. I liked to hunt just about anything, so I wanted a good all-around set-up. I've worked up buckshot loads that pattern tighter at 50 yards with a mod choke than a full choke. Wait, will or can? var validatorLoaded=jQuery("#fake-form").validate({}); } catch(err) { For attribution information and reprint rights, contactDenny Quaiff, Executive Director, VDHA. At 15, I started to work on a local farm and saved my money, so I could purchase my first very own gun. One of the best features of the shotgun is its versatility. The rounds were shot from a Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun with a 20-inch barrel length and full choke. The 40 group looked about the same. This is important when overall use is concerned. Does it look like one inch per yard? In its best showing at 25 yards, six of the eight pellets struck within 3 inches of the point of aimimpressive! 4 buckshot has limited range; however, within it, its highly effective. The goal was to determine which load may have the tightest average pattern. Edited by Moderator Jun 13, 2014 On a recent post about sight off-set, we discussed using 00 Buckshot at close range. There is even some argument that the wider pattern is better. They want to take your guns because they plan to do something to you that might cause you to shoot them. At 0.360 inches, triple ought (000) is noticeably larger, so there are fewer pellets per ounce. Given the velocity of the load, its recoil is surprisingly mild. } else { msg = parts[1]; One day I would like the chance to hunt deer with dogs and maybe write a column about the experience from a newcomers perspective. I recently got my Federal paperwork back from the creation of a short-barreled shotgun. The pattern is youre accountable for every single round in that pattern onto a man-sized target, easily. You will have the entire neck in your pattern, twice the lethal coverage. If pressed into service at that distance, it would certainly get the job done; however, it did open noticeablygenerally a pair or trio of pellets were within 6 inches or less of the point of aim. $('#mce-'+resp.result+'-response').html(msg); Then at 50, the #00 was penetrating about where the #1 was at 25. Now grab a few of the above options and head to the pattern board. The most popular buckshot is 00 buck, which has a nominal pellet diameter of .33 caliber. This brought about some interesting thoughts on which load is best. $('#mce-'+resp.result+'-response').html(msg); | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 10 Great New Optics For 2023 | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Firearm Industry Economic Impact Rises 322% Since 2008 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Show, George and Scott Trulock of Trulock Chokes showed me their new Boar Blaster buckshot choke tube community. ( 000 ) is noticeably larger, so that it doesnt negatively affect the pattern is.!, still potentially lethal absolutely reduce deformation during firing Whitetail Times and Versatite.... Patterns were a single hole out to 20 feet 50, the cheaper round., Georgia, is a standard chart based on 2 3/4 12-gauge round 21 grains or less buckshot... Tells you buckshot isnt very effective for killing deer past 30 yards, the same combination kept five buckshot 7. 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