Now that hes the Navys top enlisted sailor, dont expect Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russ Smith to shake things up with his first official CPO initiation guidance. Milley: tanks, F-16s coming, but not in time for Ukraine offensive, Thrift Savings Plan participants sue over access to funds, New Army fitness regimen and the Marines innovation unit | Defense News Weekly for 5.27.23, Marines mint new unit to develop gear, tech faster, Debit card fraud: Protecting your personal information Money Minute. MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER OF THE NAVY MCPON's 2011-2012 CPO 365/Induction Guidance (ANCHOR UP!) We are one Navy family, and my expectation is that everyone knows their role in that family while away from home. MCPON James Honea is the senior enlisted Sailor in the Navy and serves as an advisor to the CNO. The two-page letter outlined what Giordano says hes learned by visiting sailors around the Navy for the last year and a half. Military Personnel Data Records (PDR) System, Guidance and Eligibility Criteria for Enlisted Personnel Boards and Panels, Commandant and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Guidance to Enlisted Selection Boards and Panels, Heres how to access your military records as the Coast Guard transitions to new record management system, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - What can I do? Introduction I nitiation, Induction, transition, CPO 365-- there is just no denying the emotional reaction of some Chief Petty Officers (CPO) to changing any aspect of a Sailor's traditional transition to the CPO Mess. Steven S. Giordano released the day the board adjourning on 7/30, Reading And . Our Sailors are the most important element to us retaining our asymmetric advantage against our adversaries. However, youwill not be guaranteed advancement even if placed above the published cutoff unlessyourequest a HYT waiver from CG PSC EPM-1,andare granted a waiver that includes advancement authority. BUY NOW: Federal Managers Handbook, 6th Ed. All records must be updated by April24,2022. Mark D. Faram is a former reporter for Navy Times. % Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday has selected Fleet Master Chief James Honea to become the 16th master chief petty officer of the Navy. Navy chiefs need to fully understand whats expected of them and do a better job of communicating, both up and down the chain of command, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (IW/SG) Steven Giordano said in a new message to all chief petty officers. // ]]>, Prices are in USD. Did the Navy remove a Pride Month post from its Instagram account? MCPON said he wants the initiation process to be both "challenging" and "daunting" and "difficult to navigate" and even "frustrating." Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Steven S. Giordano released a rare message to all Navy chief petty officers. Any chief I've talked to has just been like "Hur . The 2022 Master Chief Advancement Panel (MCAP) is scheduled to convene May 9, 2022. MCPON dishes new guidance to all CPOs. at the right time, in the right manner. "We needed to change our actions and that is exactly what has transpired over a number of years now where we now have a program that is focused on developing leaders, where we are focused on treating each other with dignity and respect.". CPO 365 is a year-long program designed to ensure the chief petty officer (CPO) mess and first class petty officers are continually and steadily developing to succeed in future leadership positions and affords command leadership the flexibility to conduct education and training in . endobj The MCAP does not apply to themusician rating. Goats, good day! Recited at every chief pinning ceremony, this creed is a page of prose that contains the ideals, values and expectations of a Navy chief. MCPON Spouse Letter to CPO Selectee Spouses.. Jul 8, 2020 FY21 CPO Initiation Guidance from MCPON Smith and the Fleet Master Chiefs.. "You have to read and understand the guidance put out by the MCPON. The Chief Petty Officer Creed is essentially a message read to all new CPOs when theyre pinned. NORFOLK, Va. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea completed his first fleet engagement in the Norfolk and Tidewater area Sept. 15. expectation is that every Sailor understands what their role is and the My goal is to assure professional and character (September 2022) James M. Honea [1] is a United . Communication received after April 24will not be accepted. q;b[P7M+X^; )3/i'JhhwD$@%F Is the standard Army fitness test a thing of the past? Warfighting Competency Then, in only a few short weeks, we provide meaningful training and. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russ Smith, Initiating the CPOs: Guidance everyone needs to know, Fleets material condition keeps getting worse, new INSURV report says. The initiation season also is expected to conclude with a capstone event similar in purpose to boot camps battle stations. It can last up to 18 hours and test what selectees have learned during the initiation season. Late requests will not be accepted. Naval Academy, according to a Navy release. U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officers around the world, our first year of CPO 365 is officially in the history books. If this applies to you and youmeet all MCAP eligibility requirements, youcan still participate in the 2022 MCAP. For more information regarding HYT, visit CG PSC-EPM-1sportalpage. What cant I do? ;f8}* N}+oFP @@oF!S|v[o4@!5[1bI&MMou8v&S0u_]nII2p+|5ZIO6"uCo~,7)-OxY-f;n)K$TP-G9rM&gor),}T'ETa`oWJ#j jIFXy"ot#J,|ollPq) 1Yq"A=IN@xQJS\=^yWK_Wn>0&;XZ}BB@I4JRLWCBG*ioP If you feel you should be on the list and are not, or if corrections need to be made to your PDE, you have until April 1 to make those corrections. My goal is to advocate for all quality of life initiatives to ensure Sailors and their families are taken care of so we can continue to focus on the mission. A nine-year active duty Navy veteran, Faram served from 1978 to 1987 as a Navy Diver and photographer. }~'#sm z^f &+CU;UgRAigOGK MCPON Honeas priorities von Warfighting Competency, Professional and Character Development, press Quality of Life, align with Navigation Plan 2022, which outlines how aforementioned . Advancement Requirement Waivers. Whats my rule set? These details and much more . FY-23 CPO Initiation Guidance. Reflecting upon numerous conversations with you, my fellow chiefs, and the resounding voices of sailors at all levels throughout the fleet, I have come to realize the expectations of a chief petty officer may have become somewhat muddled, Giordano said. -W#%Rsms/)e>C0N}U)nY`2-kU;v\[{N]iX6jjryt[;/Ct5Bt +Kd{y%F u. %PDF-1.5 Chief season screwups: These 4 cases may have crossed the line. After smooth sailing through last years season, the group decided there was no reason to revisit the effort. The guidance describes it as a proud and treasured keepsake for a newly-minted chief that will preserve a lifelong living document that passes on expectations, knowledge and learning experiences.. I know he will and I will work together to take care of our sailors and ensure our Navy is the most formidable across the globe.. Still, he made it clear that shenanigans won't be tolerated. Member Services call 800-233-8764 or 410-268-6110, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON), Losing to China in AI, Emerging Tech Will Cost U.S. Conroy, MyCG Staff. All of us, from the most junior chief to the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy must be focused in our collective effort to become an even stronger, more capable and resilient force by entering ourselves on the CPO Creed and our Navy Core Values.. The Navy's top enlisted sailor has made it OK to refer to the process of making new chief petty officers as an "initiation," ending 14 years of official taboo for the term once closely associated . "Initiation, regretfully, has negative connotations and it should never be so.". By Mark D. Faram. To him, last years Laying the Keel blueprint for enlisted leadership training has become a living document guiding the season. This must be done by the PDE correction deadline, April 1. n+[Ly-MLwJHJ2vl#:ne#. Rather, its something that should be routinely read by chiefs to keep them focused on their roles. Do not accept the I dont know answer Ask the chief is a household phrase.. Please allow me to offer come clarity on this subject its in the (CPO) Creed.. Areall ofyour awardcitations and administrative remarksin your official military personnel file (OMPF)? In a move that is likely to be popular with the deckplates, Giordano said it's time for the word "initiation" to be associated with today's tough, professional training and not the hazing practices of years past. . importance they play. You've joined a privileged group tasked with leading our Navy during extraordinary times. "And if we get that part right, when you say that you are an initiated chief petty officer, you are going to understand that those actions are what defines that term and not the other way around when we had this negative connotation that represents bad actions.". `vz( We need one another. mcpon cpo initiation directions 2022 mcpon cpo initiation guidance 2022 (No Reviews Yet) ~~8{335gN?Fg>~tjqnS IT:& }YnRg#)^Uo98:R88yg-eu>? 25 Feb/23. "We are initiating new chief petty officers, and providing a roadmap for people to be successful in life whatever the course," Giordano wrote in his letter accompanying the official guidance that was made public Tuesday. Happy Birthday to our United States Navy Chief Petty Officers! September 13, 2022 1:07 PM The following are the priorities of 16th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea that were issued to the fleet on Tuesday. Quality of Life We must recruit, During this season, theres a mandated CPO Selectee Leadership Course, plus special instruction about the meaning of the Chief Petty Officer Creed. Military Personnel Data Records (PDR) System, COMDTINST M1080.10(series). The CPO Selectee Modules will be updated in FY10. Fleets material condition keeps getting worse, new INSURV report says. endobj ?^9 Q\q pr7G`;](.sx `4uC]6"`-fDn *VQ`.7A=>rK|lo%MZrRvezU2]F3)!925hXtxde>he^~WZn5FIkO-\]`+p ~Q_"GgAHU/Twn;T{I&wN'dVY%ePw=CJCX9 yh/1@Q>6N?k4"T-2YjgP/HadM+V? My gateway is to advocacy to all quality a life initiatives to ensure Sailors and their families are taken care in so we can continue to emphasis on the . US Coast Guard. CPO 365 needs to challenge FCPOs physically and intellectually, and to hone the basic tenets of teamwork, time management and tenacity throughout the year. mcpon cpo initiation advice 2022; Be Truthful. Ifyouronline PDEisnot complete,you shouldsubmit atroubleticket prior to April1,toPPC by e-mail stream Heres how to get there, Next Master Chief Advancement Panel convenes May 10, An official website of the United States government, Master Chief Rashaun Morris retirement ceremony Cape Cod, October 17, 2020. Honea will replace MCPON Russell Smith, who took on the job in August 2018. Requests for waivers from advancement requirements or waivers from completion deadlines must be sent prior toFeb. 1. Its that compliance rubric that we all love as chiefs. x\[o~DI"@&. vXMNS[4-3$3\om]_/Wus|L^$%e$%B%#j%=F$DEAfu2N~1v{M^=ywy>9#rr\N&*5I^F(M,|;f.N^MLNw\1OfSVM/R5b?|ON;{B'pjMG`?2O^e,aLrLL(L^4'S1nff2);1;V1u__ } W3b)yqf"d01W%e5/(gBYY-wMdI2" "I couldn't be more pleased with where we are today with our actions in CPO-365 in developing our future leaders," Giordano said in the interview. Thefinal eligibility listis expected to bepublished no later than April 15. Im in Sacramento on my way to the east coast. My goal is to ensure our principles, basic standards of technical competency development, and how we value technical expertise (via assignment and promotions) align to the CNOs NAVPLAN. I'm open to replies that are a logical reason though. mcpon cpo initiation guidance 2022 open sidebar. It is your responsibility as the candidate to ensure your online PDE shows a status of eligiblein order to be considered for advancement by the 2022 MCAP. (O)wnership -We take care of what we "Own . Milley: tanks, F-16s coming, but not in time for Ukraine offensive, Thrift Savings Plan participants sue over access to funds, New Army fitness regimen and the Marines innovation unit | Defense News Weekly for 5.27.23, Marines mint new unit to develop gear, tech faster, Debit card fraud: Protecting your personal information Money Minute. As stated in chapterthree of theMilitary Separationsmanual,active duty enlisted members who reach or exceed theirprofessionalgrowthpoint (PGP) on or beforeDec.31, 2022 the2023 High Year Tenure (HYT) Candidates- mustseparate or retire unless granted a waiver. He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at You must completeall ofyour requirements by Feb. 1. Military Separations, COMDTINST M1000.4(series), Guidance and Eligibility Criteria for Enlisted Personnel Boards and Panels, PSCINST 1401.2(series)(CAC enabled), Access to Military Records in Preparation for the Coast Guard Transition toiPermsALCGPSC 121/21. The active-duty board follows on June 27 with an adjournment expected by July 19. Navy personnel officials announced timelines, eligibility details, and guidance for the Fiscal Year 2023 Active-Duty and Reserve Chief Petty Officer Selection Boards. That if you withstand it, you're in -- it creates no expectation on the part of the selectee.". Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements. We all felt that it belonged more as a part of Laying the Keel, and not something thats reissued each year. Honea, who currently serves as the senior enlisted leader of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, will take on the new job Sept. 8. Is the standard Army fitness test a thing of the past? Foreign Contact Reporting Requirements for Security Clearance Holders, Navigating an EEO Complaint, What Federal Employees Need to Know. FLTCM Tocorzic Charge Letter. The more and more this changes, the less and less likely I will do the season if I make it. This panel, which is convened once a year, will review packages from active duty senior chief petty officers and recommending those who are eligible for advancement to master chief petty officer for each rating except for musician. I know he and I will work together to take care of our Sailors and ensure our Navy is the most formidable across the globe.. FY21 CPO Initiation Guidance from MCPON Smith and the Fleet Master Chiefs Fleets material condition keeps getting worse, new INSURV report says. "I prefer calling it a transition or training," Scott told Navy Times in an August, 2004 interview. Is the standard Army fitness test a thing of the past? . And even his successor, MCPON (SW/FMF) Joe Campa wrestled with the term, too, and attempted to find a compromise. Behind those successful Sailors are their families, and we cannot overlook that important element. "We took a very different approach last year and rewrote the guidance in an effort to take it away from a compliance-based checklist driven by a set of dos and donts, Smith said. My goal is to ensure professional and character endobj But it all depends on the schedules of the chief petty officer selection board. The guidance was released in NAVADMIN . (MC2 . 3 0 obj After reporting incorrect data,youmust verifyyourPDEagain to make sure thosecorrections are complete. #NavyChiefNavyPride Office of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy July 8, 2020 FY21 CPO Initiation Guidance from MCPON Smith and the Fleet Master Chiefs Sign Up Log In Messenger Facebook Lite Watch Places Games There's no official name change administratively, the six-week training program will continue to be referred to as CPO-365 Phase II but in releasing his 2018 guidance, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (SG/IW) Steven Giordano made it clear with his words that use of the word "initiation" is back. retain, and effectively manage the talent of a diverse workforce to unleash And its the responsibility of the chief petty officer to make this happen, he added. TheGuidance and Eligibility Criteria for Enlisted Personnel Boards and Panels, PSCINST 1401.2(series)(CAC enabledprovides guidance for submitting waivers. As you don your anchors today, take time to reflect on the 130 years of . x=ioI?~vO^` qcvs`w8j_utIjC9@Yj,7Y_~.cQJVG],?zv//?~$CB"+*Q2'_C/?Vkg3e^>~~8{335gN?Fg>~tjqnS IT:& }YnRg#)^Uo98:R88yg-eu>?}~'#sm z^f &+CU;UgRAigOGK Therefore, the 2022 MCAP will review all OMPF documents and EERs with a date ofMay8,2015to May8, 2022. Smith doubts his watch will feature future rounds of initiation directives. /$5eMT|F[0/ID3#jRMEi,!vD-BeBlGJTvDH] B/tt2g#)!ED:%Y"G{^",e,^ 4"fwx=XD2>[5bbe1udbqrE |]}(B3`W:etRrn_a>,&T?Ql#|aB_>c>!K~y|Llfi]&M>s[sOHw}\v.3z&WdyxTazfosSrw3? He was a senior writer covering personnel, cultural and historical issues. By Mark D. Faram. Yes. Only those members who are listed on the final eligibility list will be considered for advancement during the 2022 MCAP. <> As stated in theGuidance and Eligibility Criteria for Enlisted Personnel Boards and Panels(CAC enabled)thepanel will review the past seven years ofemployee enlisted reviews (EER)and information contained within the OMPF. And the annual update might become an artifact, replaced by a set of standing orders. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) James Honea released his priorities to the Fleet, Sept. 13. And that's where it stands today it's still just Phase II but Giordano's use of the term acknowledges the reality on the deckplates that it's ok to openly be proud of being initiated into the mess. Heres how to access your military records as the Coast Guard transitions to new record management system, Is E9 on your horizon? Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland March 10. FY-23 CPO Initiation Guidance. We need to improve our ability to interpret higher echelon information and make it relevant to the sailors operating on the deckplates, he said. We are a Senior Enlisted force that serves first and foremost as Deckplate leaders. He comes to his new job from U.S. Pacific Fleet, where he was fleet master chief. Trillions, Threaten Security, Says Panel. "'Transition' doesn't lay out any expectations, so I never liked that term. Giordano has his history correct. 4 0 obj "Done correctly, this process will never come close to anything that can be construed as hazing.". mcpon cpo initiation guidance 2022. kincaid and dallas producer amanda; jeffrey alvin bond; . their full potential at any given moment. ", Yet the term "initiation" also was not one that Campa liked, saying it meant, "Something is being done to somebody. Can You Be Charged Under the UCMJ After Discharge? If you believe you are eligible for your record to appear before the MCAP in May, please see the currenteligibility requirements are outlined in theEnlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements,chapter five. tunisia algeria border open mcpon cpo initiation guidance 2022. Guidance regarding this communication is providedin the following: Pleaseemailall communication to thepanelby April 24, 2022. endobj My guidance for CPO 365 will seem familiar in many respects but fundamentally different in others . (P)rocedural Compliance -In everything we do from uniforms to operations. "Respect the dignity and welfare of all participants while pushing one another to new limits; we deserve, and should expect, nothing less," Giordano wrote. New record management System, is E9 on your horizon MCPON CPO initiation guidance.! The group decided there was no reason to revisit the effort so ``! Foreign Contact Reporting requirements for Security Clearance Holders, Navigating an EEO Complaint, what Federal Employees Need know. Post from its Instagram account in USD all new CPOs when theyre pinned foremost as Deckplate leaders schedules! By visiting Sailors around the world, our first year of CPO 365 is officially the. 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